Project description
The Re Use Palace explores the production of building materials using local demolition and excavation waste streams, setting a new standard for low carbon construction practices in the city. The primary focus is to provide developers with the opportunity to avoid landfill during site demolition and use 100% waste-based and reclaimed products in the construction of new developments.
Beyond its impact on the construction industry, there is a wider ambition to expose the public to more innovative ways of processing waste by combining material recycling and production, education, and arts spaces on the same site. By showcasing new methods of re-use, the project seeks to inspire a wider conversation about regulation, tax and policy reform.
Having identified a vast number of large demolition and excavation sites in the Lower Lea Valley area, the currently derelict Bromley-by-Bow gasholders site provides a suitable test-bed site for a new typology of dealing with construction waste in our cities.
Site location
1-700 model made from construction waste
View of the monorail + waste-based product testing facade
Varying levels of enclosure - Building section
Identifying local demolition + excavation sites
View of the laboratory production space
Lucy completed her Part I at the University of Nottingham. As part of the Sustainable Communities unit, she became interested in engaging with existing communities and neglected pockets of the city. Lucy spent her year out at JTP where she was involved in mixed-use schemes, focused on urban regeneration through placemaking.
Working at Carmody Groarke during her time at the LSA has enabled Lucy to develop an understanding of how to innovate with materials. The renovation of the Manchester Science and Industry Museum provided her with the opportunity to continue exploring her passion for low-carbon retrofits of buildings with heritage value.