Project description
The Learning Market provides a dedicated centre for the teaching of alternative education programmes through the use of live-based learning techniques. It challenges physical and temporal redundancy in existing buildings through the synergy of two uses together, allowing them to coexist in an existing public building with an existing function.
The new centre co-exists with the Sainsburys supermarket in Whitechapel. It redefines the future of the supermarket through engagement with flexible design principles, to provide engaging learning opportunities within the physical form. It also interrogates the temporal timeline, providing an extended program of activities, enabling the building to be used 24 hours a day.
This combination of supermarket and alternative learning provides opportunity for experiential learning where new learning pathways build from existing temporal activities. This provides stock and produce for the supermarket as well as future employees and a constant flow of innovative ideas.
Site location
Axonometric of the Ground Floor
View in the Learning Landscape
Experiential Learning Connection - Workshop and Home Sales
Temporal Timeline of Building Use
North-South Section
While at the LSA Karla worked at Cullinan Studio. Here, she gained a very hands-on experience through the development of several Passivhaus residential schemes, engaging deeply with the design and learning principles around how to design for low carbon impact. Additionally, while in her final year, she volunteered helping students of the National Saturday Club design and then build an installation in The Hoxton Trust gardens.
Her interest in alternative forms of learning and engagement with young people influenced Karla’s final thesis project at the LSA where she focused on the provision of a centre for alternative learning within an existing building with an existing permanent function in a cohabitation and collaboration of two programs to provide experiential learning opportunities.