
Field of Opportunity

Judit Korpai

Project description

Can we develop our city with better consideration for new arrivals, specifically refugee children and young people, whilst also providing local community facilities where they are most needed? 

This project proposes a multi-functional masterplan for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASC), with a variety of open and accessible public spaces with targeted services and facilities to meet their needs and those of existing local young people from the neighbouring community. The proposal focuses on defining a variety of opportunities for young people to meet, interact and learn from each other.

The Field of Opportunity creates something new for both groups and provides a space to forge connections between existing communities and new arrivals. Buildings including housing, a library and sports facilities are designed to foster inclusivity and welcome diversity to help our city grow diverse communities based on shared experiences. 

Judit Korpai


Judit Korpai

Main square view

Judit Korpai

Proposed section

Judit Korpai

Library interior